Praying For Sharathon 2023

Sharathon is Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, October 15th - 17th! Can we count you in?

"The songs on SOS Radio remind me where to put my trust, and how to continue in my spiritual growth!" - Corrina from Las Vegas

Sharathon is an open door for you to join what God is doing through the ministry of SOS Radio! Prayer is vital to EVERYTHING we do on SOS Radio! We’re stronger together. Would you join us in praying for a powerful Sharathon!

  • Pray that God would reach the hearts of those who are searching
  • Pray over the technical equipment behind the radio (Phones, computers, apps and satellite systems)
  • Pray over the SOS air team and their families
  • Pray for health in our community
  • Pray that God uses Sharathon for HIS glory
  • Pray for growth. Pray for momentum. Pray for provision.
  • Pray for new opportunities to reach our city in a deeper way this fall!

We know you're busy, so we've created a printable prayer card that makes it easy to remember to pray. Simply print it out and post it on your fridge! (Or use it like a bookmark!)

You can also save these prayer reminders as pictures to your phone and share them on your social media or any other place you like!

Color Version - Click here!

Black & White - Click here!

Let's ask God to bless Sharathon 2023! Let us know you are praying! Email us at

Want to make your gift today? Click Here!


Recently Played

  • Jon Reddick - No Fear
  • Cody Carnes - Firm Foundation (He Won't)
  • Tenth Avenue North - Losing
  • Skillet - Anchor
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