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Holy Week Blog

  • How to keep the fire burning?

    Posted by Holy Week Blog at Sunday, March 31, 2024 at 9:00 PM

    Now that Holy Week is over, how do we stay excited for what the Bible has to say? How do we keep that fire burning within our hearts? It may be more simple than you think.

  • Come Lord Jesus, Come!

    Posted by Holy Week Blog at Sunday, March 31, 2024 at 12:59 AM

    After Jesus rose from the grave on Easter Sunday, then what? What happened in the life of Jesus from His resurrection on Easter Sunday to His ascension into Heaven 40 days later?

  • He is Risen!

    Posted by Holy Week Blog at Sunday, March 31, 2024 at 12:00 AM

    Jesus foretold His Resurrection many times during His Earthly ministry, but still His disciples struggled believing. Faith is not natural, but He still pursues us! The events of Easter Sunday show that no matter how doubtful we feel, He is always faithful!!

  • The Dark Before the Dawn (Saturday)

    Posted by Holy Week Blog at Saturday, March 30, 2024 at 12:00 AM

    The Disciples were scattered. Jesus laid in the tomb. Darkness was prevalent throughout the land... for now. The religious leaders did something on Holy Saturday to try and keep it that way.

  • Golgotha (Friday)

    Posted by Holy Week Blog at Friday, March 29, 2024 at 12:00 AM

    According to the Gospels, Jesus uttered six statements from the cross on this Good Friday. What were they and how did they reveal Jesus' real heart behind everything He came to Earth for?

  • Strike the Shepherd (Thursday)

    Posted by Holy Week Blog at Thursday, March 28, 2024 at 12:00 AM

    One day before Jesus' crucifixion, He shared the Last Supper with His disciples in the Upper Room. Communion commemorates this meal, but it's so much deeper than bread & wine.

  • Be Still and Know (Wednesday)

    Posted by Holy Week Blog at Wednesday, March 27, 2024 at 12:00 AM

    We always want to be known as the people doing things, but there's a better way and it's different than you may think...

  • The Temple (Tuesday)

    Posted by Holy Week Blog at Tuesday, March 26, 2024 at 12:00 AM

    Remember that fig tree from Monday? Early Tuesday, one of Jesus' disciples notice something peculiar about that same tree. Jesus spends most of Holy Tuesday in the temple teaching. What's interesting is what He is teaching!

  • The Wicked Tenants (Tuesday)

    Posted by Holy Week Blog at Tuesday, March 26, 2024 at 12:00 AM

    Jesus shared several parables on Holy Tuesday, but the Parable of the Wicked Tenants is one of His most heartbreaking. This is a parable that will challenge you to check your heart alongside your actions!

  • Den of Robbers? (Monday)

    Posted by Holy Week Blog at Monday, March 25, 2024 at 12:00 AM

    "Where is God when bad things happen?" I've heard that question, I've asked that question and I'm sure you have as well. Today, on Holy Monday, Jesus curses a fig tree to die and angrily overturns tables in the Temple in Jerusalem. But why? This doesn't seem like a loving act, or is it?

  • Why the Palm Branches? (Sunday)

    Posted by Holy Week Blog at Sunday, March 24, 2024 at 12:00 AM

    Walking you through the significance of each day of Holy Week. During this turbulent time we're all walking through, the events of Holy Week are sure to uplift your faith and encourage you. Palm Sunday sets off a chain of events that are often misunderstood...

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